Monday, March 9, 2020

Multiple temperature Essay Example

Multiple temperature Essay Example Multiple temperature Essay Multiple temperature Essay By running fully operational 365 days a year, we would have a substantial advantage over our competitors who only runs warehouse operations from 9 am to 6 pm.  Multiple temperatures and huge space  At CCN, there multiple temperatures cold rooms to cater for all sorts of items that requires different temperatures. There are also space for dry items and etc.  Impact on organizations competitiveness  Innovative products and services  Wide range of products and services  Ability to change the timing or quantity of products and services. Measuring KPI for Flexibility  For flexibility, measuring KPI would be for:  the number of different product types CCN is able to cater  number of volume / quantity increase  timing of delivery  types of customers  COSTS  Costs play a major role in decision making at CCN. A single activity made possible will firstly involve the costs. The first question would be How much would that cost to make it possible? will be asked by the customer in order to allow CCN handle their products. Other costs would involve operational costs, handling costs, equipment costs and etc. Operations Strategies  Quality costs  As an operations manager, decisions must be made according to these five factors as it affects costs. High quality operations do not waste time or effort having to re-do things, thus making customers not influenced to do mistakes. By providing quality services, costs must also go down at the same time vice versa.  Speed significantly reduces overhead costs of administration as delays and complaints by customers can be eliminated. Fast operations in the warehouse reduces stock holding and inventories thus also cutting on rejected deliveries as orders will be delivered on time. Dependability costs  CCN can significantly reduce customers costs as being a reliable distributor for them. CCN can be relied on to deliver exactly as planned. This eliminates wasteful disruption and allows the other micro operations to operate efficiently.  Flexible operations at CCN can adapt to changing circumstances quickly and without disrupting the rest of the operation. For example, MAFC will not receive stock until after 8 pm at night, however, there are trucks already arriving at 10 pm which is 2 hours away. Operations at CCN will have to make do with in-transit stocks which by right operates better with buffer stocks however CCNs flexibility policy allows the operation to continue in order to fulfill orders for MAFC. Implementation  Implementations for costs are to be able to accommodate enough resources to actually fulfill the 5 objectives of operations management without wasting resources with over-spending.  Inside the operation, therefore, one important way to improve cost performance is to improve the performance of the other operations objectives.  Impact on organizations competitiveness  At CCN, we currently run on minimal costs as in my opinion as the Operations Manager at CCN, the utilization of resources up to the optimal level allows this to happen. We are allowed to be extremely competitive in the market as we are able to offer:- All customers are looking for the best service and cheapest solution to their warehousing issues. We at CCN are able to offer them just that by giving them what they require by being flexible as well.  Quality Services at Affordable Prices  With this motto as our company objective, we are able to keep the prices low on all fronts thus being able to beat our competitors if we were to go direct competition with them.  Measuring KPI for Costs. Measuring KPI based on costs:-  Operational Costs by quantity, duration, location  ii) Handling Costs by quantity, duration, location  CONCLUSION  A Brief summary  Operations Management plays an important role in determining the direction of an organisation. By researching each of the five management objectives, a conclusion can be made that a balance must be reached by the organisation in order to be able to satisfy customers needs and requests. The operations manager or the person who is in charge of warehouse operations plays an important figure in fully optimizing the resources available to him/her. A properly managed operations can indirectly and directly affect an organizations competitiveness and effectiveness in the eyes of competitors and also potential customers. At CCN, we try our best to accommodate and make each customer feel secure with their products when we are handling them. We also must show the clients that we can actually manage our resources accordingly in terms of quality level, speed in fulfilling orders, reliability by being consistent with our services, flexible with requests from customers and also cost management. With being all 5 fulfilling each others cause, operations will then be able to run smoothly and successfully. References Web Resources  1. Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers, Robert Johnston (2008) Operations Management 4th Edition,, Date accessed 25/02/2009.  2. C.Jarvis (2005) BOLA : Operations Strategy,, Date accessed 24/02/2009.  Books  Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers, Christine Harland, Alan Harrison, Robert Johnston. (1998) Operations Management 2nd Edition, Great Britain: Pitman Publishing.